Health Services

The student health services team is an integral part of the Westminster community. Health services advocates for the optimal health, wellness, and safety of all students and staff. Coordination of nursing care, health counseling and education, illness/injury assessments, and collaboration with parents, teachers, administrators, and health care providers are key functions for Westminster’s nurses and trainer.

Our team consists of three licensed registered nurses. One school nurse is available each day during school hours. In the afternoon, a certified athletic trainer complements our team.

Health Services Staff

Amy Kendrick, BSN, RN — Health Services Coordinator
Joanna Hancock, RN — School Nurse
Sue Haverstick, RN — School Nurse
Brooke VunCannon, ATC — Trainer

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the guidelines for keeping my student home when ill?

    Students with a fever of 100 degrees or higher should stay home until they have been fever free for 24hrs without the use of medication to reduce the fever. Vomiting, diarrhea, uncontrollable persistent cough, and a rash of unknown origin are also reasons to stay home and consult your physician. Students should not attend same day extracurricular activities or athletics if they have been absent due to illness.

    Illness Guidelines

  • What are the guidelines if my student has COVID-19?

    If you think your student has COVID-19, please notify the school and stay home. If your student develops COVID-19 symptoms and tests positive for COVID-19, or if a healthcare provider believes that your student may have COVID-19, your student must stay home until:

    • At least 5 days have passed since their symptoms first started, and
    • They have had no fever for at least 24 hours (without the use of medicine that reduces fevers), and
    • They do not have a runny nose, and
    • They have no more than a minimal, non-productive cough (i.e., not disruptive to the classroom and does not stop them from wearing a mask continuously, they are not coughing up phlegm), and symptoms have improved.

    After their symptoms have resolved, they may return to school while wearing a mask if around others and/or indoors. Continue to wear a mask until 10 days have passed since symptoms first began.

    Additional COVID-19 Information

  • What guidelines are in place for foods provided to students?

    All foods served in the café, snack bar, bookstore, vending machines and concession stands are commercially prepared and include a full ingredient list.

  • Is Westminster a “peanut and tree nut free” school?

    No. Westminster is not a peanut and tree nut “free” school. However, we are committed to the safety of our students through peanut and tree nut “awareness.” Some pre-packaged items offered in the bookstore and vending machines may contain peanuts or tree nuts or be manufactured in the same facility or on the same line as products containing peanuts or tree nuts. Students are encouraged to self-advocate and read ingredient labels to avoid unnecessary exposure.

  • Why do you require a doctor’s written authorization for an over the counter medication?

    The registered nurses of Westminster practice according to the Missouri Nurse Practice Act, and, as a requirement, may only give medication when ordered by a physician.

  • Can my child carry his or her medication in their backpack?

    Per state law, any child may carry and administer emergency, life-saving medications. This typically includes albuterol inhalers (for asthma) and epinephrine (for life-threatening allergic reactions). We encourage all of our students to keep these medications on their person, provided they have demonstrated proficiency, responsibility, and understanding of the medication. In some instances, upper school students may also be permitted to carry medication, such as ibuprofen, but again, physician documentation is needed. In no case is a student allowed to carry a controlled substance.

  • Why do you need my child’s immunization record?

    Per state law, all schools are required to collect and report immunization data on enrolled students. Lack of immunization documentation can result in the exclusion of students until records are produced or immunizations are received.

  • Why do you need a physical for my student?

    All new students are required to have a physical, dated on or after February 1, at initial enrollment. Thereafter, students may be required to have a physical annually to participate in upper school athletics as required by MSHSAA. Though not required, we encourage a physical prior to P.E. participation if it has been more than two years since a student’s previous physical.  


Westminster’s health services team is always available to address concerns and answer questions.

Amy Kendrick, BSN, RN — Health Services Coordinator
314-997-2901, ext. 6180

Joanna Hancock, RN — School Nurse
314-997-2901, ext. 6305

Sue Haverstick, RN — School Nurse
314-997-2901, ext. 6484

Brooke VunCannon, ATC — Trainer
314-997-2901, ext. 6472