Beauty From Above

On April 25, senior Guy Matthews earned his FAA Private Pilot License. Earning this license took hundreds of hours of hard work, followed by a four-hour oral exam and a two-hour flight test. “It took me 18 months beginning in August 2023, which took so long partly because of different obstacles such as weather and flight instructor availability. The tests are challenging and stressful because you must be mentally and physically fit. You are being quizzed while flying, and you have to know the mechanics of the plane as well as weather patterns and FAA laws and regulations.”

Earning a private pilot license is a tremendous accomplishment and shows Guy’s dedication and passion for flying. “It all started with my great grandfather, who started in the transportation industry,” says Guy. “He had to fly across the eastern seaboard and then my grandfather picked it up. My father took on a love of aviation, but he decided to go into the Air Force. Sadly, he wasn’t able to fly in the military, so he became a charter pilot.” Like his father, Guy plans to join the Air Force by enrolling in ROTC at Liberty University. “For me, joining the military isn’t necessarily because of any family legacy, but because I want to serve, and I want to do it through a capacity in which God has gifted me, which happens to be aviation.”

“When you’re flying and see the horizon, you realize how special it is to be there because so many people don’t get to see the same thing. It’s really beautiful up there, and it shows how amazing God’s creation is.”

Guy worked hard to complete his training to pass the FAA exams while completing his junior and senior years of high school. On top of school work and flight training, Guy played football and lacrosse and started his own plane detailing company, teaching himself how to run a business on his own and the skills to detail planes. At Westminster, Guy has taken part in business classes such as Marketing and Economics. His business is thriving, and he plans to expand it when he gets to college. Truly, Guy is living out our school’s mission to engage the world and change it for Jesus Christ. What a unique opportunity he has to use his gift of aviation in such a way.

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